Here is a peak at some of our pumpkin activities:
We painted small pumpkins which were generously donated to our class.
We used golf tees and plastic hammers to do pumpkin pounding. Both classes had a blast with this fine motor activity.
In the sensory table we had the children make predictions about what was inside a pumpkin. The guesses from preschoolers included, "Derby cars, stickers, a star (remembering our apple discoveries), purple seeds, and candy." We had a lot of laughs during our pumpkin discovery. After we carved the pumpkin the children were able to pick out the seeds and do some sorting.
At Miss Danielle's center the children we so excited to have technology incorporated in the lesson. She used a video, "Did you ever see a pumpkin.."
You can find it here :
The children watched the video and sang the song. Then they were able to take their own hand-painted pumpkins and create jack-o-lanterns. I loved watching this interactive activity take place.
Thank you Miss Danielle for this great idea!
Here is a picture of the finished jack-o-lanterns on display:
After our unit on pumpkins we moved on to reading about farms, scarecrows, and fall harvest.
In the dramatic play area the class was making vegetable soup with various vegetables they picked.We decorated scarecrow heads with other pumpkins that were generously donated to our classes.
The children painted with corn and potatoes to make creative artwork. They also used various art supplies including bubble wrap to decorate Indian corn.