Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Holidays

We began December with a unit on cookies. We read several books including, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, The Gingerbread Boy, and The Gingerbread Girl.

We practiced counting skills with chocolate chips.

We introduced upper case and lower case letters with a new cookie puzzle.

The children helped follow a cookie recipe and we baked chocolate chip cookies together. They also cut paper to make their own cookies.

After learning about the gingerbread boy and girl we decorated our own gingerbread people. They ran away to each child's house and some of the children brought stories and pictures back to school to share the adventures with our class. The stories were great!

We introduced a wrapping paper center to the classroom and the children have been working hard to wrap anything and everything. They used blocks from our block center to make presents.

The children have also been busy decorating the tree. More pictures of our classrooms decorations and Christmas activities will be posted soon! We have been working on a special project for our parents and families for Christmas. The children are so proud of their creations...we can't wait to send them home!

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